How do I update the app?

Please select your device:

For iOS (iPhone) users

Open the App Store app, tap the person icon in the top right of the screen, and check if the Transcendental Meditation app appears in the list of apps to be updated. If so, tap Update. It's also a good idea to pull down on this page to refresh the list of apps. 

If our app is not on the list, then you're using the latest version. You can also find available updates on our App Store product page. If an update is available, you will be able to tap Update next to the app.

To ensure that you are always using the latest version of the app, turn on your automatic updates for your iPhone. Go to Settings > App Store > App Updates

For Android users

Whenever a new version of the app is available, you will see it in the Google Play Store “Updates” list. Open the Google Play Store app, then tap Menu, and My Apps and Games. Locate the Transcendental Meditation app, if an update is available, you will be able to tap Update next to the app. You can also check for it directly on our Play Store product page.

To ensure that you are always using the latest version of the app, turn on your automatic updates for your Android device. 

Go to the Google Play Store app > Menu > My apps & games > Transcendental Meditation > More > Enable Auto Update

The app will update automatically when updates are available. To turn off automatic updates, untick the box.